Yet - For Many SNP Voters it is Psychological not Political

In my first post on this theme I said that

“So many SNP followers adore Nicola Sturgeon! They say so frequently on social media and in interviews. And adoration is not a rational choice, it is a psychological state.

SNP followers have their very self-identity bound up in 'the cause'. This means that arguments that challenge 'the cause' threaten their self-identity and strike at the very core of who they see themselves to be. This makes reaching them with reasons or facts or arguments almost impossible.”

However, while reaching SNP followers with facts and argument is “almost impossible” there are emotional appeals that can work, and we are witnessing one now

For opponents of the SNP, the Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints is important because it concerns the likely abuse of State power by the Scottish Government.

As more and more is revealed (or one might say dragged out of a reluctant Executive), the extent of this abuse of power becomes more shocking. And the ease with which the SNP can use both the Crown and the Police to further their own ends demonstrates an urgent need to reform the structure of the government in Holyrood.

These are extremely serious issues that affect every citizen in Scotland! But neither the abuse of power nor the constitutional deficit  seems to ‘hit home’ with SNP followers.  


What is ‘hitting home’ with at least some SNP followers is what they see as the betrayal of Alex Salmond. 


And there is a clue in the phrase ‘hitting home’ – this concerns emotions rather than logic. In general only strong emotions that can overcome the psychological power of the self-identification with ‘the cause’ that so many SNP followers feel.


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