We're No Longer Jock Tamson's Bairns

In March 2021 I made a video about my analysis of the root cause of the problems Scotland faces. This Blog post reprises the argument I made in that video 

Watch the original video here

Scots Sacrificed on the Altar of Postmodern Philosophy Power Politics -Dr. Catherine McCall

 I want to talk about a virus that is threatening our way of life in Scotland. Not covid 19, but a VIRUS of the MIND


The good news is that 99% of folk are immune to this virus. But the bad news is that it is still threatening ALL of us, because it has infected the MINDS of the majority of politicians in Holyrood.


But before identifying this virus, I want to step back a little


We’re facing an existential threat in Scotland. Our Scottish CULTURE is under attack! We have a minority SNP government. They’re called the  SCOTTISH  NATIONAL party, but they don’t represent the majority of Scottish people.


Worse - they don’t represent the Scottish nation or culture


The SNP is systematically outlawing Scottish culture and values

Values like

  • Family
  • Free speech and debate
  • The importance of FACTS and TRUTH


Hundreds of thousands of Scots who’ve watched the Scottish Parliament committee asked themselves ‘Why can’t Sturgeon just tell us the truth?’

Sturgeon’s government LOST or WASTED over £1,000 million:


  • On rusting Ferries - sitting there in Ferguson’s yard, 230 million
  • On bad loans, 135 million
  • On a hospital which can’t open, 520 million
  • On Bifab, 52 million
  • On the smelting plant in Lochaber, 360 million

And that’s just part of what we know about that’s been in the papers


Remember when the SNP demanded Wendy Alexander’s resignation for a mistake over £950? But STURGEON refused to resign – she clings on to power no matter what!


  • Using EVASION
  • Using the CROWN Office & POLICE as weapons
  • Hiding DOCUMENTS
  • REDACTING the documents she CANT hide


              The list goes on


Now - none of this is News, but I want to talk about why is this happening. Because it isn’t just Sturgeon alone. And it isn’t even the SNP alone. The attack on Scottish culture is aided by the so-called Greens whose main focus appears to be Trans Rights. And there is NO robust opposition. Politicians of ALL parties have given the ground up to - what I would call anti-Scottish values. The Liberal Democrats and Labour as well as Greens and the SNP voted for the Hate Crime Bill, that Jim Sillars called


"…one of the most PERNICIOUS and DANGEROUS pieces of legislation EVER produced by ANY government in modern times in ANY part of the United Kingdom".


This is Bill WILL destroy FREE SPEECH in Scotland and more on that below.


But it doesn’t just destroy Free Speech


It brings into law the concept that PEOPLE are not EQUAL under the LAW, because it treats some people as special.


So, WHY do the SNP Labour the Liberal Democrats and the Greens ALL, by their actions, attack the fundamental premise that EVERYONE is equal under the law?


It is BECAUSE what we are seeing in Scotland are politicians whose MINDS have been CAPTURED by a pernicious, anti-human Philosophy called Post Modernism.


It has infected their minds like a virus.


This philosophy:


·   denies that there is objective reality

·   denies there is any such thing as TRUTH

·   holds that REASON and LOGIC are simply tools used to oppress

·   holds that the ONLY reality is POWER

·   holds that EVERYTHING is a tool for power!

·   It holds that all of life, all of society is a power struggle between oppressors and the oppressed



Why does this matter?


What kind of policies are likely to come from minds infected with the postmodern virus? Where all that matters is gaining power and keeping power?


It is the perfect philosophy for producing FACIST policies


When there is no such thing as TRUTH and all that matters is POWER , can we be surprised that people who are INFECTED with this Philosophy

A) don’t care about telling the truth and B)will cling on to power no matter what?


And that is what we are seeing in Scotland


  • If we are going to save Scotland
  • If we value Scottish culture
  • If we think is that THERE IS such thing as truth
  • And that telling the truth is a moral thing to do
  • If we think everyone should be equal under the law
  • If we think every Scot should be free to express their opinion


We need to defeat the SNP. But, we also have to defeat this pernicious and immoral Postmodernist virus. Because it is these IDEAS which are allowing the breakdown of values in Holyrood.


I am a retired Philosopher. It was my job for 40 years to analyse the philosophy that underlies people’s thinking and bring it out into the light, so that we can look at it and then see if we like it,      or if it should be scrapped.


Now, I know a lot of people think philosophy is just airy-fairy ideas for university but in times like these it is VITAL to expose what lies UNDERNEATH the appalling laws and rules the SNP govt. is imposing on us, because these IDEAS have terrible consequences in the REAL WORLD


Take the worst law in Western Europe – the Hate Crime Bill. Ordinary innocent people will be criminalized, sacrificed on the ALTER of post modernist power politics in which free speech is dead.


Just imagine a wee Granny from Port Glasgow. Her man worked in the shipyards and they had good wages. Then the shipyards went, and there’s no work for her man. So she started work in 2 cleaning jobs to support the family. Without his job and his trade, her man fell into depression. She’s been too busy most her life  - paying the rent and feeding the family- to bother with politics. Now she’s worn out. 

The kids are grown and gone. 

Her man died, broken by unemployment and despair. 

But - She still has her friends and she meets them in the town on a Saturday. This day they’re talking about what they’re all doing in the evening and she uses a word she ALWAYS used to say she’s getting in a Chinese takeaway. (I won’t use the word here, but it rhymes with ‘inky)’. Someone overhears her. 

Its her bad luck that they’re from a family her man had a big fight with.


She’s reported to the police. The police HAVE to act under the Hate Crime Bill and they arrest her. Now, when it comes to court, maybe the charges are dropped, maybe some common sense comes into play. 

But by that time she has been terrified. 

Shamed in front of her neighbours,


Her health is broken

Her heart is broken

SHE is broken.

And for what?

She’s led a blameless life

She sacrificed herself for others

Now she should be enjoying some more gentle time in her old age – but because of the OPRESSION OLYMPICS forced upon Scotland by the Hate Crime Bill, her life is ruined. 

This hypothetical example could be multiplied all over Scotland. Ordinary innocent people will be criminalized; Sacrificed on the ALTER of post modernist power politics in which free speech is dead!

And this is happening in the land of the Scottish Enlightenment that created the modern world and the freedoms of the Western world! 

FREE SPEECH is fundamental to living a fully HUMAN life! I will write more about why this is the case in my next Blog post.



  1. Good post. Negativity never wins in the long run.
    The most important thing to understand about the SNP is that they are a bunch of HATERS. No issue is important to them than their own self-interest. They hate each other as much as they hate the rest of us who do not bow down to their self-proclaimed political divinity.
    Nicola Sturgeon herself confessed to Mandy Rhodes, in a book called "Scottish National Party Leaders" (2016), that hatred has been "the motivation for my entire political career" (p. 358). This is an essentially negative position, and it springs from a psychological rather than a political root. They are mostly frustrated egotists who find normal socialisation difficult due to the fact that the world by and large does not take them at their OWN estimation of their value. All their geese are Concordes (Scottish built, of course).
    I have written a book which describes the threats to the rule of law springing from their hatred (both self- and social-) at any restraint on their power, and their desperation to be in control of every aspect of all of OUR lives. The rule of law depends ultimately RECIPROCITY between the rulers and the ruled. Sturgeon’s self-obsession is a mortal threat to the main legal principle which Scotland has lived under since the seventeenth century.
    The book is called "The Justice Factory: Can the Rule of Law Survive in 21st Century Scotland?" (Ian Mitchell, 2020) The Foreword was written by Lord Hope of Craighead, ex-Deputy President of the UK Supreme Court and the Professor of Public Law who is author “Constitutional Law of Scotland” wrote the Introduction to Part II. It is not a party political argument, and has been endorsed by both Ian (“Stone of Destiny”) Hamilton QC and Adam Tomkins, the Tory MSP who is also Professor of Constitutional law in the University of Glasgow.
    It is an as yet untold story, but a very, very important. You can support the cause of ridding Scotland of political haters by circulating the book as widely as you can. Details here on Amazon (UK). https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1981993401?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


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