
Showing posts from May, 2021

A Dialogue with Effie Deans About The New PRO-UK Party 'Rebuild Scotland'

On Thursday 27th May 2021 the Effie Deans posted ‘ Do we even want to defeat Sturgeon? ’ on her Blog. As a great admirer of Deans on Twitter and having read most of her Blogposts, I was immediately intrigued. Of course the title is a rhetorical question with the assumed answer being ‘yes', and the psychological hook is the implication that ‘we’ are going about defeating Sturgeon in the wrong way.  Eager to read what I expected to be her analysis of mistakes ‘we’ are making in our efforts to defeat Sturgeon, Deans did not disappoint, and as I read I agreed with most of her description of the recent Scottish Parliamentary election until half way through the post I read:   “If there is to be a list only Pro UK party (and this is up for debate) then there has to be only one. It may seem good fun setting up your own party and playing at politics, but it is simply stupid that there were so many Pro UK list parties. “   As far as I know only one new PRO-UK party has been set up since the

We're No Longer Jock Tamson's Bairns

In March 2021 I made a video about my analysis of the root cause of the problems Scotland faces. This Blog post reprises the argument I made in that video  Watch the original video here Scots Sacrificed on the Altar of Postmodern Philosophy Power Politics -Dr. Catherine McCall   I want to talk about a virus that is threatening our way of life in Scotland. Not covid 19, but a VIRUS of the MIND               The good news is that 99% of folk are immune to this virus. But the bad news is that it is still threatening ALL of us, because it has infected the MINDS of the majority of politicians in Holyrood.               But before identifying this virus, I want to step back a little               We’re facing an existential threat in Scotland. Our Scottish CULTURE is under attack! We have a minority SNP government. They’re called the  SCOTTISH  NATIONAL party, but they don’t represent the majority of Scottish people.   Worse - they don’t represent the Scottish nation or culture